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Literary Association Day

Literary Association Day

The Right to Information (RTI) Act Week was observed on our college premises from 5th October 2023 to 12th October 2023, with active participation from both students and faculty members. Various activities were organized to spread awareness about the RTI Act and its significance.

A walkathon rally was held on 6th October 2023, during which faculty members and students visited Karumpuliyuthu village, displayed placards, distributed leaflets, and conducted a public awareness and sensitization program.

On 9th October 2023, a poster-making competition on the theme “RTI: Spreading Public Awareness” was conducted, with 15 students participating and three winners receiving prizes.

An essay competition was held on 10th October 2023 on the topic “Role of Youth in Democracy through RTI,” in which 25 students participated, and the winners were awarded prizes.

Following this, on 11th October 2023, an elocution competition on “Purpose and Procedures of the RTI Act” saw participation from 8 students, with winners being recognized.

The week concluded with a quiz competition on 12th October 2023, open to students from all departments.

Enclosed are photographs and leaflets from the event.


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